On 17 April 2023, Rethinking SLIC* member Marc Tiernan gave a talk at UCLA Law School titled "The People v. AI". The event was hosted by the UCLA Promise Institute, moderated by Jessica Peake, and co-sponsored by UCLA Law's International and Comparative Law Program, Institute for Technology, Law and Policy, and Visiting Scholars, Jurists, and Researchers Program.

Marc examined the question: who should be liable for AI harms under international criminal law? He described how AI could cause harms or contribute to international crimes, before considering how ICC modes of liability could assign liability to developers or users of AI. Marc identified several accountability gaps and suggested ways to rely on or extend existing doctrines of criminal law to fill these gaps. To avoid impunity for AI harms, he proposed that control should play a greater role in liability assessments as an empirical element of liability and a normative legal duty.